Contract Grow

Our contract growing services include everything from seed collection and propagation, to growing and delivery of plants. We have experience with local provenance, rare and endangered species, marine plants such as mangroves, or just simply growing plants for forward orders to match your planting schedule.

Using locally sourced seed helps ensure the plants grown are well-suited to the specific climate and environment of the area, which improves their chances of survival and success in their new home.

Our team carefully collects, processes and stores seed to maintain their viability and purity.

Production via seed or cutting material is then tailored to the specific need of our clients.

We keep track of the details and aim to improve germination rates for the future, and forecast estimated supply dates so to assist with your planning. Communication and data on all aspects of the growing will be readily availability.

If you’re looking for a reliable and trustworthy partner to help you achieve your landscaping or revegetation goals, look no further than Eudlo Native Trees. Contact us today to learn more about our contract growing services and to discuss your needs.